Today is recognized as National Vietnam Veterans Day. This day was chosen back in 2012 by President Barack Obama when he signed a presidential proclamation, March 29th of that year, to honor those who served in Vietnam.
Please join us as we honor all of the 3.1 million Vietnam Veterans who served. Their valor deserves to be recognized and the Last Plane Out of Saigon team strives to honor all our veterans, not only today, but every day.
Our nation is protected every day by the bravery and selflessness of our soldiers. As we reach out to them today, we must remind ourselves that even though we cannot truly know their sacrifices they deserve our thanks.
The following passages from Last Plane Out of Saigon, illustrate how impossible it is for those who did not, or have not served to know the depths of what each of our soldiers endure in a war. However, we must strive to show our appreciation and respect for our armed forces. It is the least we can do.
There is much that has been said about Vietnam; there is much more that can only be understood by those of us who were there.”
Last Plane Out of Saigon | PG. 35
Who can ever know what your personal war involved? You had to remain there and say good-bye to your friends one by one until only you remained. With each good-bye, a little sanity must have been sacrificed. In the end did loneliness reign? Can you ever recreate Vietnam so the untraveled masses can understand what it was actually like?”
Last Plane Out of Saigon | PG. 109
We must do our best to recognize you always.
Wishing thanks to all Veterans!