The collapse of the Twin Towers is commonly linked to a song that came out in 1967 titled
“The Windows of the World.” There are parallels drawn between the 9/11 disaster and the song for many reasons. Most noticeably, the names of each are very similar to one another. However, that is not the only common thread between the iconic restaurant and the song. The lyrics and melody of the song have a way of capturing the feeling of heartbreak experienced on this day fourteen years ago.
The windows of the world are covered with rain
When will those black skies turn to blue?
Ev'rybody knows when boys grow into men
They start to wonder when their country will call
Let the sun shine through"
"The windows of the world are covered with rain
What is the whole world coming to?
Ev'rybody knows when men cannot be friends
Their quarrel often ends where some have to die
Let the sun shine through”
In Last Plane Out of Saigon many of Richard Pena’s entries center on the importance of never forgetting the Vietnam War and the Vets who provided their service. The same principle should be held for those lives lost from the attacks on the World Trade Center. Join us today as we honor their memory.