An allied Cambodian was flown to the hospital on a Saturday in September. The lab summoned me to give some blood for the Cambodian. Not only did I have to give my blood, but minutes later I was assisting in the operation. The Cambodian had his left leg amputated. I stared at my own blood as it splattered all over the OR floor. My mind flashed to what my friends in Austin would be doing at that very instant. The Texas Longhorns were opening the 1972 football season that night. My friends were probably sitting in the stands between the twenty and forty-yard lines---all would have dates. It suddenly struck me that they were immune to the realities and horrors of war. Watching a football game seemed so trivial in comparison to the loss of life. How I envied them. “ - Richard Pena, excerpt This War's For Real
Thank you to all who are serving and who have served. You are not forgotten.
Photo from Fanbase