A ‘Thank You’ is the least we can do. Sometimes we may get caught up in our own efforts to share our appreciation on Veterans Day. Maybe even allowing ourselves to feel accomplished in our good deed as we verbalize our thanks. Instead, we must remind ourselves to remain conscious of the hardships our vets continue to face.
Some of the sobering truths are that we have lost too many lives and those who return from service are forever changed. Richard Pena, author of Last Plane Out of Saigon has gone to lengths to provide insight into the true costs of wars:
- About 58,000 American soldiers were killed in Vietnam
- Approximately 450,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets suffer from PTSD and/or depression
- With approximately 345,000 suffering from alcohol or drug addiction
- Almost 1/4 of veterans are homeless and nearly 50% of these homeless veterans are from the Vietnam era.
When we think about aiding our future veterans we can help by providing a needed voice to the fight against unnecessary wars. Richard Pena goes in depth in Last Plane Out of Saigon about the difference between wars of necessity and wars of choice. One of the primary messages detailed in Last Plane Out of Saigon is to understand the difference and remain vigilant in speaking out when the drums of unnecessary wars begin to beat.
Our Veterans deserve a thank you every day of the year. November 11th is just one day of the 365 that we should make an effort to show our appreciation for those who put their lives at risk to protect us.